1st Congress of Brief Strategic Therapy in Spain

🇧🇷 1st Congress of Brief Strategic Therapy in Spain
📅 February 14-16, 2025
(I.e. Modalities of participation
Presencial: Colegio de Médicos, Barcelona
Online: Remotely via video conference
👥 Participation is open to doctors, psychologists, medical and psychology students.
An event dedicated to the study of Brief Strategic Therapy and its latest developments, with the participation of its highest global referent, George Nardone, and the main experts in the field.
???? On Sunday 16 February, Giorgio Nardone will dedicate a day to the theories and techniques of hipnotic communication. Paul Watzlawick defined this emphasis as "hypnosis without trance", as he says, the use of verbal and non-verbal language capable of inducing a powerful state of suggestion. Applied to psychotherapy, it is called «hypnotherapy without trance». For a therapist, this is one of the most powerful and effective techniques to help a patient unblock his rigid and dysfunctional perceptions of reality, which lead to pathological reactions.
Early Bird: Reduced rates for registrations before December 20, 2024.
️️ For more information and registration: https://tinyurl.com/sz2emb8p
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