Free conference with Giorgio Nardone: Florence, Milan and Rome
A day of clinical training with Giorgio Nardone who will illustrate the advanced therapeutic model for the treatment of juvenile anorexia, the result of evolutions and new therapeutic formulations.
The event created to celebrate the thirty years of the foundation of the Strategic Therapy Center together with nine "great experts" from different disciplines who use dialogue as a fundamental tool to make change.
The itinerant cycle of conferences “Youth anorexia. Knowing it and taking care of it ”with Giorgio Nardone
An exceptional Workshop avec Giorgio Nardone, the un des pères de la thérapie brève et stratégique ...
From 3 March in all bookstores the new book by Giorgio Nardone and Elisa Valteroni ...
Existen pocos ejemplos capaces de evidenciar la lógica aparamente absurda que está en the basis of the mental or behavioral activity definido obsesivo-compulsivo. En otros términos, the irrefrenable compulsión de realizar behavior ...