1st edition of the Symposium on Change

Friday 13, Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October – Galleria dei Giganti / via Cavour 3/7, Peccioli (PI)

Giorgio Nardone, together with his collaborators, the Municipality of Peccioli and Belvedere Spa, organized the first edition of the Symposium on Change.

Entrance is free and the speakers are of the highest level: psychologists, psychotherapists, writers and entrepreneurs of national and international fame.

The themes at the center of the Symposium will touch on the social, psychological, nutritional and behavioral fields. As well as those of climate change and technology. But also of the relationship between different generations. The idea is to make topics that are sometimes more difficult to understand within everyone's reach, with the final objective of improving the quality of life of citizens.

For info: info@centroditerapiastrategica.com

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