It all started when the two founders Paul Watzlawick and Giorgio Nardone begin to formulate, in a completely original way, the model of brief strategic therapy, distinguishing it from other forms of brief psychotherapy of a systemic and Ericksonian or cognitive-behavioral type, defining its epistemological prerogatives. -theoretical and applicative, the research method, the logic of strategic problem solving and the strategies of therapeutic communication.
All this gave rise to what will later be the modern evolution of Brief Strategic Psychotherapy, presented to the general public in 1990 through the publication of the manifesto of the evolved approach The art of change. Manual of strategic therapy and trance-free hypnotherapy, written by the two authors, translated into over ten languages with over 60 different editions.
Foundation of the Strategic Therapy Center
![Foundation of the Strategic Therapy Center](
The collaboration between Giorgio Nardone and Paul Watzlawick becomes ever closer until the joint foundation of the Strategic Therapy Center of Arezzo as a research, training and psychotherapy institute, for the development and evolution of the Palo Alto School model towards a therapeutic technology more advanced.
The first results
![The first results](
The first results of an intervention research on 42 cases of panic attacks with agoraphobia are published showing that more than 90% of patients had completely overcome their disorder within 10 sessions. (Nardone G., in "Propagations: Thirty Years of Influence From the Mental Research Institute", edited by Wendel Ray, Weakland, 1995).
The art of change
![The art of change](
The modern evolution of Brief Strategic Psychotherapy without trance hypnotherapy is born and presented to the general public through the publication of the manifesto of the evolved approach, The art of change, written by the two authors, translated into over ten languages and become a best / long seller of the Psychotherapy in which specific treatment protocols for phobic and obsessive-compulsive disorders are presented for the first time
Research-intervention results on phobic-obsessive disorders
![Research-intervention results on phobic-obsessive disorders](
The intervention research on phobic and obsessive disorders Fear, panic, phobias, a study with 152 subjects with problems of panic attacks, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and hypochondriac fixations is published. Positive outcomes amounted to 86% (79% cases resolved and 7% cases much improved) with an average of 10 sessions.
Brief strategic therapy
![Brief strategic therapy](
Publication of Strategic Brief Therapy, edited by Paul Watzlawick and Giorgio Nardone, where at that time the most advanced intervention techniques for the various forms of pathology are presented, with the contribution of the most important international figures.
Research-intervention results on eating disorders
![Research-intervention results on eating disorders](
Giorgio Nardone, Tiziana Verbitz and Roberta Milanese write The Prisons of Food, a text in which the results of an applied empirical-experimental research carried out on a sample of 196 patients with eating disorders are exposed. Treatment protocols for anorexia, vomiting and bulimia are formulated.
Official Recognition School of Specialization in Psychotherapy
![Official Recognition School of Specialization in Psychotherapy](
The training school of the short-term strategic psychotherapy model of Arezzo, already active since 1988, is recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) as a four-year post-graduate school of specialization in Brief Strategic Psychotherapy (dm 20.11.2000 .XNUMX)
Research-intervention results of family models and indirect therapy
![Research-intervention results of family models and indirect therapy](
Following a prolonged study conducted not only in the clinical setting but also in institutional school and family contexts, modern models of family dynamics are identified, in particular it is highlighted for the first time how the Western family rests above all on relational dynamics of overprotection and permissiveness. Based on this, indirect therapy techniques have been developed, namely: treating the disease without the presence of the patient.
Update on the evolution of phobic-obsessive disorders
![Update on the evolution of phobic-obsessive disorders](
Evolution Therapy of Panic Attack Disorder. The insights and therapeutic formulations of the previous decade find confirmation in Neuroscience.
Research on the results of Brief Strategic Therapy
![Research on the results of Brief Strategic Therapy](
Presentation of the results of a longitudinal study based on the evaluation of the results relating to the efficacy and differential efficiency of all the treatment protocols for the different forms of psychopathology developed and applied in the previous decade on a total of 3484 patients. Results: 86% of cases resolved with an average of 9 sessions.
1st European Convention of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy
![1st European Convention of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy](
The first European conference on Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy is organized in Arezzo with the participation of over 700 specialists from all over the world. Following the event, the network with the most important international exponents was born and Giorgio Nardone became the coordinator by direct election. The Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy European Review Journal is born.
Therapeutic stratagems
![Therapeutic stratagems](
Giorgio Nardone elaborates, among the myriad of stratagems and theoretical devices found in both Eastern and Western literature, his personal synthesis that encompasses tradition but also modern application, in order to identify basic criteria for the development of specific ploys, as well as for the formation of strategic skills.
Formulation of the technique of strategic dialogue
![Formulation of the technique of strategic dialogue](
After a path of research, clinical application and consultancy carried out over more than fifteen years at the Strategic Therapy Center in Arezzo, the Strategic Dialogue is formulated, that is the advanced technique for conducting a single "therapeutic" interview capable of inducing radical changes the interlocutor, making the first session an effective therapeutic intervention
Research-intervention results on sexual dysfunctions
![Research-intervention results on sexual dysfunctions](
In the text the mind against nature the treatment techniques for both male and female sexual problems are presented, demonstrating the applicability with extremely high positive results of the model also to this area of psychological and relational distress.
2st European Convention of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy
![2st European Convention of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy](
After the success of the first conference, the second edition of the European conference in Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy is organized in Arezzo with the participation of over 1000 people from 32 different countries.
International manuals of the Arezzo model
![International manuals of the Arezzo model](
In 2005, the two texts, directly in American / English, Knowing through changing, were published at the same time. The evolution of brief strategic therapy and Brief strategic therapy. Philosophy, techniques, and research. International manuals of the Arezzo model, teaching texts in the most important universities of the 5 continents.
3st European Convention of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy
![3st European Convention of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy](
The Strategic Therapy Center organizes, also in Arezzo, the third European conference of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy in which more than 1000 specialists in the sector participate.
Paradoxical diet
![Paradoxical diet](
On the basis of the study through follow-up of the actual healings from restrictive and compulsive eating disorders, the idea of a paradoxical diet is formulated which represents the point of arrival for these pathologies, at the same time the starting point for the search for a psychophysical balance in binge eating problems, bulimia, obesity.
Non-ordinary logic and psychotherapy
![Non-ordinary logic and psychotherapy](
By virtue of the work carried out by Giorgio Nardone in the field of problem solving logic, which underlies the strategies and therapeutic stratagems, the model of strategic / non-ordinary logic is exposed in its formulation as an evolved logical / applicative model.
Formulation of the strategic problem solving model
![Formulation of the strategic problem solving model](
After more than 15 years of elaboration and direct experiences, the strategic problem solving model is formulated both as an operational method for making changes and achieving set objectives even in non-clinical contexts or in pure artistic and sporting performance.
Research on the results of Brief Strategic Therapy
![Research on the results of Brief Strategic Therapy](
Between 2010 and 2012 a systematic study was conducted on a sample of 636 subjects on the results of therapies performed at the Strategic Therapy Center in Arezzo conducted with the direct participation of 60 Psychologists and Doctors. Results: 88% of cases resolved, with an even higher efficacy for the areas of pathology: panic attacks (95%), obsessive-compulsive disorder (88%), eating disorders (83%).
1st World Conference of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy
![1st World Conference of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy](
The first world conference of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy is organized in Chianciano Terme where the evolutions of the theoretical and applicative aspects of brief strategic therapy are presented, with an even higher number of participants from all 5 continents.
Pathological doubt
![Pathological doubt](
The systematic study of obsessive-compulsive disorders and their therapy leads to distinguish a particular type: pathological doubt, or the perversion of intelligence that leads the subject to build real mental labyrinths of which he remains a prisoner trying to rationally give answers to irrational questions. It follows the development of a specific treatment protocol.
Helping parents help their children
![Helping parents help their children](
Following the review of the work carried out by the numerous official collaborators in the previous two decades regarding indirect therapies, not only on children and adolescents but on the whole span of the family life cycle, a review of the therapeutic strategies and tricks tested is presented. as the most effective for the numerous difficulties that parents have to encounter in their relationships with their children as well as later children with their parents.
Compulsive eating disorders and self-harm
![Compulsive eating disorders and self-harm](
The collaboration between the two experts, Matthew Selekman regarding self-injurious behaviors, Giorgio Nardone regarding compulsive eating disorders, has given rise to the formulation of a type of therapeutic intervention that was decidedly effective in this clinical area so intimidating for psychotherapists.
International Dictionary of Psychotherapy
![International Dictionary of Psychotherapy](
Following the need to give Psychotherapy an image of rigorous scientific-applicative discipline, Giorgio Nardone and Alessandro Salvini, with the collaboration of over 360 leading exponents of the world of the various forms of Psychotherapy, edit the edition of the first and only international dictionary. of Psychotherapy published in Italian, Spanish (in print) and English (in print).
Advanced obsessive-compulsive disorder therapy
![Advanced obsessive-compulsive disorder therapy](
On the basis of a longitudinal research of over twenty years, on a sample of over 1000 cases of obsessive-compulsive disorders in their variants, the evolved strategic brief therapy of this disorder differentiated by its different forms is presented, with validated therapeutic outcomes that the make the best practice in the clinical field.
2st World Conference of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy
![2st World Conference of Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy](
“The magic of words and gestures. The power of relationship and communication ”is the title of the second world conference of the Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy world Network held in Florence with over 150 speakers and over 1000 participants from all over the world.
Diet not diet
![Diet not diet](
In collaboration with the most representative scientists of Italian nutrition, Giorgio Nardone and Elisa Valteroni curate a text in which the most advanced nutritional models and the psychological dynamics behind the individual difficulties in keeping fit are presented.
The science of lifestyle
![The science of lifestyle](
The collaboration between Luca Speciani and Giorgio Nardone, by virtue of their prolonged clinical experience, highlights the importance for every therapeutic approach of leading to the acquisition by the subject of a persistent "lifestyle" that guarantees not only its effectiveness of the therapies to which he has been subjected but also his individual well-being.
Panic Attack Therapy. Further verification of the model
![Panic Attack Therapy. Further verification of the model](
Based on an analysis of the results of a sample of over 15.000 cases of panic disorders treated by Giorgio Nardone and his collaborators, the treatment protocol is presented which has proven to be the most effective and efficient therapy for this type of disorder.
Juvenile anorexia. Effective, efficient and validated therapy
![Juvenile anorexia. Effective, efficient and validated therapy](
Publication of "Juvenile Anorexia" dedicated to the presentation of the latest evolutions of the advanced therapeutic model for eating disorders, the result of the evolutions and new therapeutic formulations deriving from the incessant clinical and research activity conducted at the Strategic Therapy Center of Arezzo and its offices in the world.
The Strategic Therapy Center
celebrates 30 years
![The Strategic Therapy Center celebrates 30 years](
Thirty years after the foundation of the Strategic Therapy Center, founded by Giorgio Nardone and Paul Watzlawick, the institute has decided to celebrate this important anniversary by organizing a Symposium on an ancient theme but at the same time perpetually present in our private and professional life entitled "The dialogues of change"
The superiority of brief strategic psychotherapy in the treatment of binge eating
![The superiority of brief strategic psychotherapy in the treatment of binge eating](
New scientific research published by the American Psychological Association (APA) highlights how brief strategic psychotherapy is more effective than cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in the treatment of binge eating.